ok you'll be warned enough...
As promised last week, a photograph ISL of our male model , Mr N... Ricardo Diggler (you can call him Dirk).
The only change in the promise I made is that the skin worn is not the one made last week, but the latest iteration, with new abdominal belt, new legs, new face shading... and that's it.
That puts our account for major skin versions to a nice..; 20 :)
Yeepee! Skin is 20 v old!
Also, as prim attachment,
some nice pelvis jewelry that will be released very soon by talented scripter /designer / Midnight Lotus Grande Madame Hasuko Kuramoto.
And I am the one who played some inked needle on it for 'decoration'.
Okay, if you screen is big enough, you may have already seen the monkey, if not just scroll down a little bit.
oh, if someone wants to know where the pic was taken, it was at SDI beach, sim name is 'burnt toast' (yeah, I know, slurls, yada yada yada,....)